Coraline-Opening Title
Coraline is an animation/fantasy/mystery based on a girl who finds a world that is a strangely idealised version of her frustrating home that she lives in, however this supposed 'better' fantasy world contains dark secrets.
At the opening of the title sequence, the credits appear on a red/brown canvas. The writing is supposedly meant to look as if it had been stitched onto the canvas which links in with the main features of the movie in different ways. This is the first sign of what the movie may entail and key features that appear throughout.
The string instruments that are played at the beginning of the sequences suggest childlike fantasy and slightly puzzling atmosphere. I think this because each note is played slightly different and so the music bounces, creating an unsettling feeling.
The credits that show at first are to show who helped produce the movie.
Again, When the title is shown at 20 seconds into the sequence. It is clearly shown as being stitched onto the canvas, The 'O' in Coraline is replaced with buttons which links in with key features to the movie. soon after the word 'Coraline' is shown, voices of little children begin singing with the soundtrack. This again enforces the childlike fantasy to the movie.
After the movie titles, the credits begin to show names of the voices that are featured. Again the music is still unsettling beats with some 'oo's and 'aah's subtly found. When the animation begins to show, everything that is done in this flows very clearly and nicely. for example, the puppet flows through the window very slowly and controlled, and when cutting the puppet open, the scissors are easily flowing through the material. This suggest smoothness and being able to watch with ease.
Also at the beginning of the scene, we are seeing everything through the eyes of the character that is cutting and changing the puppet. The lead animators credits then show. They are in lower case letters which suggests ease.
The same features are seen through the rest of the opening sequence. These features being the music like that of a nursery rhyme contrasting with the quite dark and slightly sinister narrative of a puppet being cut up and changed into a doll to look like the main character Coraline. The ease and subtlety of the movements within this scene add relaxation. As opposed to being quite rough and sharp with the puppet, the character changing the puppet is very carefully moving. However the scene as a whole could be perceived as slightly disturbing as we do not know who is recreating the puppet or why they are doing it. This allows the audience to be more intrigued to watching the rest of the film, preparing them for what is to come.
As you can see, the end shot is very similar to the first shot with cleverly and nicely finished the title sequence.
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