In our opening sequence we include some news footage of current affairs that are a montage of clips together with news recordings of voices. Instead of using voices from the internet, we decided to record our own voices as news presenters, therefore keeping the idea of the production being a British production in prospective. Unfortunately, after recording some of these voices and editing them in with the news footage, we came to realise it was less effective, and so resulted in cutting the voice overs. Below shows some of the sentences we tried using in our news footage.
the urban teen violence montage:
"A number of accounts predicting teenage violence is rising."
"the following reports some disturbing images."
"Boy was killed in gang violence."
"12% increase in teen violence in the UK."
"Boy aged 18 to be arrested for murder."
the bully montage:
"...after tormenting a girl until she killed herself."
"countless school across Britain are increasingly reporting accounts of bullying."
"One 15 year old girl finds herself in serious trouble."
"16 year old girl bullied so much, that she committed suicide."
"17 year old boy in hospital for attempting to commit suicide."
the businessman montage:
"London's top sales institutions committed fraud."
"Vice President, Nigel Parker shares his views..."
"After their total net income plummeting over the last year."
"Stolen £3,000,000."
"Reported that he fled the country after committing serious offence to the government."
The Teenager montage:
"Teenagers across the UK are being reported as 'unworthy' and 'unpredictable'.""Terrible behaviours from children at schools across the country."
"16 year old girl forcing parents to spend £20,000 per term for her to attend a private school."
"Parents call their child's behaviour unbearable."
"She explains that she is used to getting exactly what she wants."